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Best Memory Of The Season, Without Killing A Deer


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I guess because my time is very limited I wasn't going out to kill a deer but to sit back and relax. I wanted to watch all my friends and family enjoy the place I call "deer camp" Oh and yes to see my brothers grandson at the age of 5 sit up in a tree stand with him for 5 hours on opening day!

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This season was very bittersweet for me.  It was the first time in 36 years that my dad wasn't in camp with me.  I wasn't going to hunt this year because my dad was laying in a bed in hospice but he wanted me to go so against my better judgement I went for him.  On opening day I was fortunate enough to shoot a buck and I immediately texted a pic to my sister who was with my dad.  She showed my dad the pic and she texted me back that he said " he wouldn't have shot it cause it was too small."   My fondest memory was that my dad still had a great sense of humor and he was still capable of making me laugh in spite of what he was going through. 

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Opening day of gun season. Had 2 come flying by us. Daughter couldn't get gun up and get on them. I couldn't get slug gun on them either. She whispers if you get shot, take it. They stop at 40+ yards facing away.  One turns and gets ready to scoot. I quickly grab the .44 off my backpack and put one thru the boiler room. It happened so fast. That deer dropped right where it stood. I got the gun late spring , practiced a lot. My first handgun deer. The best part was my daughter was there to share the special moment. Each time we make a meal from this deer we'll both remember the same moment. 



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Tie: The big smallmouth bass I caught (on a bucktail jig), and released on opening day of Northern Zone early ML deer season and watching my daughters target practice with a .22 rimfire for the first time, on Thanksgiving weekend up in the Adirondacks.   Getting to kill a deer shortly after each of those did make them even sweeter however.  I would have slightly regretted time spent fishing or making noise shooting targets if I had to make the long drives home without any venison.   

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Seeing the neighbor dude running around in his underwear only screaming at the top of his lungs on a 28 degree morning is etched in my brain but not the "best" memory that's for sure. 

My best is yet to come when I share the doe I shot on the last day of ML is shared unexpectedly with some friends who couldn't get out this year hunting and some co workers who could use some help this year. The look on their faces will be my best memory. 

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For me it's a draw.....first is the bear I saw during archery season from the stand. First bear I've ever seen in NY.  Second would be the look on my father's face when he mouthed the words "I just shot a big buck!!"  That was pretty darn cool too.

I can't pick a First Place.......... can you blame me??  

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Helped my neighbor and his nephew dress and haul out their 3 deer (the nephew's first deer ever) on the second day of rifle.  Awesome day all around, even though it wasn't my harvest.  A couple days later we butchered the deer together and processed it into all kinds of goodies.  We celebrated completing that absurd meat pile at 1 am by grilling up a couple of the filet mignon cut bacon burgers.  Every time I've been in a stand since all I can think about is that mouth-watering venison burger!



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9 minutes ago, turkeyfeathers said:

bath salts related?

Oh pretty sure it was something along those lines and he was definitely on something. Another neighbor said he called him one day and asked him to bring his gun over because he was being chased by a bear and wanted him to shoot it. Wondering if it was the same day.

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Opening day of Southern Tier, first time I took my 7 y/o out. 

"Look Harold, there's a doe." "Where, daddy?" "Right there."  "OH! SHOOTIT SHOOTIT SHOOTIT!"  "I don't have doe tags Harold."  "Ok... Shoot the next one then." :)

Edited by covert
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My first xbow buck, but you said "without a kill". Therefore, it would be seeing the biggest buck I have seen while hunting in NY. Maybe 120" or so, couldn't get an ethical shot so I didn't shoot in hopes it would come back. Never saw it again. Seeing 3 yotes on 2 different days was pretty cool too.

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Most of my season happened during bow, as I had to sit most of gun out due to a knee injury. I had alot of great buck encounters, and killed my biggest buck yet with my bow, but Id have to say the best memory came during gun season. I had a day where I felt good enough to get both of my kids out in the blind with me. We saw a bunch of deer, some small does during shooting hours, and a few good does and a 2 year old buck right after legal light. We didnt shoot anything, but it was fun to finally have both of the kids out with me.

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Without a doubt it was having two close encounters with my new to hunting 12yr old son. It is refreshing to see the experience through his eyes and watch what the excitement does to him. During the second one we had a doe come into 20 yards in the woods right where I told him they would come and bust us. He was shaking like a leaf, and on the walk home I welcomed him to bow hunting. That was what it was all about for me, making a plan, watching it work, and learning from mistakes along the way.

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 I experienced the greatest joy a parent can have; a deep appreciation for your child and time together afield. I have a 10 year old stepson that has some struggles at time. He is a good boy and works daily to overcome his disability. Last weekend he and I entered the trapping world together. We were at our camp and put out our coyote sets together.

The greatest joy was watching him all dressed in his camo rubber boots, red and black plaid jacket and orange knit hat. He had a smile bigger than life and was filled with anticipation and endless questions. After watching and helping me set about a dozen he politely asked if he could make a set by himself if I set the trap for him.

I watched as he dug, put in an anchor, baited and covered the trap. It was a pure joy to see him actively working hard to be so careful and cautious with his own scent.

Unfortunately overnight we had that lake effect blizzard and all our traps became deeply buried. He was mildly disappointed but in great spirits and definitely looking forward to more trapping.

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