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Sorry about your loss. 

I had two put down when I was growing up.  My mutt from a ASCAP shelter sleep in my bed from 4th grade until I left for college.  I am sure you can guess where she slept when I came home every break and the occasional weekend. They had to put her down just before Christmas before break started my junior year.  She had gone blind, and could barely get up the steps into the house (and only 3 steps at that).  My parents called me before hand that she was in bad shape, and asked if they should wait until I could come home.  I said if she is that bad, I didn't want her to suffer for two more weeks until I got home. Sometimes I still miss her ~25 years later.

My mixed breed, supposedly Sharpei mix, is now 7 and starting to slow down.  Still gets bursts of energy wanting to play, but the neighbors' puppy is tiring her out running around the yard.  After 30-40 minutes my dog is ready to come in and take a break, the neighbor's dog is still running and jumping try to get her to continue playing.

My brother-in-law's dog actually looks old, her face turned gray.  Then again she is 10-11 year-old shepard that had a black and tan face.   I suspect he will be looking for another dog to look after his wife and daughter when he works long hours.

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I've never been able to get through the whole rainbow bridge poem, even years later it chokes me up.  Very sorry for your loss.  Hopefully you will be ready and willing to take on a new pup soon.  Always a joy to see new life!

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Lawdwaz- I just recently went through the same unfortunate experience. My 13 yr. old beagle Dusty had to be put down 2 weeks before Christmas. He had gone totally blind and deaf, could not handle the cold weather, and would just hang his head and sulk. It pained me to see him in this condition and I knew his time had come. I took him to the vet and she agreed that it was the right thing to do. Dusty gave me many years of terrific rabbit hunting and I deeply miss him. I can only diminish my grief by reminding myself of the wonderful life he lived with me, and the many memories of many happy days together out hunting. Dusty is the beagle on the right in the attached picture.



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I'm really sorry to hear that, Larry.  I only got to meet Jenny once, but I could tell she was a one of a kind companion.  It doesn't feel like it now, but over time the pain will fade and you'll be left with only those happy memories.  My condolences in the meantime.    

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Sincerely saddened to hear about the loss of a hunting partner, and family member Larry. Pets make an impact on us like no human can. Loosing them hurts. You have great memories of hunting and other great times! Remember those and her spirit will will remain in your heart. 

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So sorry for your loss Larry. Been in your shoes a couple of times losing two dogs as I was growing up. They leave a lasting and unforgettable impression when they are with us. My milo just turned 5 last week. But he's got a good 8 to 10 years left and I don't look forward to when it's his time. RIP Jenny.

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my heart goes out to you. 6 months ago we had to say goodbye to my 12 year old Rottweiler/Sheltie mix and it's been the hardest thing we've ever been through in our lives, and we've been through a lot. He was more like a son to us then a pet. He's actually the reason me and my wife together. we had a mutual friend and they came over to my house one day and when the two of them met, it was love at first sight. I guess she figured if she had to put up with me to be him, it would all be worth it. Even in his passing he had more to give. We brought him to a wonderful pet cremation facility in Eagle Bridge and the people there were amazing. So amazing that after taking us on a tour of the facility and talking with one of the owners for awhile, they asked my wife if she needed a job.  And 3 weeks later, she was a full time employee there and loves every minute of it. And after countless jobs, sitting behind a desk and answering phones, she's finally at a place where she loves what she does. She gets to give back to families everyday who have been through what we've been through. It was like his last gift to her. I wish I could tell you how to cope with the loss of such a dear friend but I'm still trying to figure that out myself. As soon as I do I'll let you know. I guess just knowing that you did everything you could for them and loved them everyday is the only way you can even start putting the pieces of your heart back together. I really want to thank you for posting this. I actually had a dream about him last night and as soon as I open my laptop, this was the first thing I saw. And I find that very comforting. I never met Jenny but if she was loved one tenth as much as mine, then she was one lucky girl. Please tell Jenny that there is a sweet little boy named Gibson up there that she should meet. And from the pictures I've seen, they'd make one adorable couple. Thank you again for sharing... R.I.P Jenny




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