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Flying squill pics


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I cut down a big dead beech tree today on the edge of the yard.

Soon as that sucker hit the ground, a "flock" of FOUR flying squirrels took flight and were reluctant to leave.

For the next half hour they soared around the forest where their home tree once stood, which gave me a chance to run in and grab my camera.. Truly an AMAZING sight to see, but boy did I feel like a turd when the show was over. Obviously I had no clue they were in there.

Eventually, they all found their way to another tree with a hole in it and never came back out.

Afterwards I inspected the dead beech I had cut and found a hollowed out rotten section with a big nest full of squill shit inside. I've caught these guys on trail cams after dark before, but this is the first time I've ever seen one during the day.

What an AWESOME aerial display of grace and precision from these little gliding rodents! 

I didn't think of it or I would have shot some video. 










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Great pics. I had one in my house several years ago we herded it into our living room so we could keep our dog and cat out and then tried to catch the flyer. That was pretty exciting,got to watch it climb up the window trim and sail across the room from there. Eventually we released it...

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Beautiful photos.   I've only seen one in the wild once, sitting on a clear cut at sunrise on opening day. I saw this "bird" fly past me, land in a tree, then RUN up the tree!   I thought I was losing it! :D  

About a half hour later he came back the other way doing the same thing and I realized what it was. 


The only other one I ever saw was dead in a conibear trap I'd placed inside a family members attic. I never would have imagined we had any around here before that. 

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