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48 points
Here he is boys. A lone doe came out into the field about 410. This guy followed her out just before legal time was up. I was already packed up and ready to try and slip out of the blind without spooking the doe. I was just about to stand up and this guy came waltzing out of the tree line headed right for the doe. She’s around 45 yards out. He runs towards her nose to the ground and stops broad side at 40 yards. I had no time to wait, I drew back, settled the pin and let her rip. Perfect double lung shot right behind the shoulder. He ran about 50 yards before piling up. I was shaking for a good 10 mins after the shot. I am so excited I finally got to arrow this guy. Been watching this buck for the last 2 seasons. Going to let him hang tonight and take better pictures tomorrow before I drop him off at the butcher.48 points
That was crazy. Heard crashing off 150 or so. See doe come ripping out of woods , then another both into golden rod. Then good buck nose to the ground Chased those two all over , then another doe popped up. Watched him breed one. Two more doe off 150. Just saw buck off 200 chasing again. This is wild. Never saw this before.25 points
Found him!50 yards from where I stopped and backed out,bedded down right next to a small pond.unfortunetly something got to him.ass gone,insides hanging out and smells.now I question if if I should've kept going yesterday.either way I know I did the right thing by following up and I'm dam happy with it meat or not.shot was low and back.turned n went out center of his stomach on other side16 points
All kidding aside a big 8 came right at me, had him in the scope around 20 yards, and i couldnt aim well enough, shook like a leaf, he kept walking into branches. Hearts pounding!15 points
Well this is a little awkward! A spike is standing under my stand licking my fresh urine from a fallen branch and eating the leaves that I just whizzed on from my stand!! WTF? Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk14 points
The next deer I see is as old as he's going to get13 points
Both bb's. Guess I'm watching the kids while she's sluttin it up12 points
Doe from yesterday. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk12 points
Killed mine Friday morning......6pt at about 10 yards. The shot angle was steep and he was quartering towards me. Hit the back of either one or both lungs and down through all kinds of things. At the shot he took a couple bounds then started walking slowly away and waging his tail in that "odd" way. I watched him for probably 2 minutes before he disappeared in the goldenrod. I figured I'd give him at least two hours and then take a walk. I went back to my buddies and had a cup of coffee and some toast. At the 2 1/2 hour mark I figured I better get moving, it had started to snow real lightly. I went down into the basement to get dressed, my buddy came down and we ended up BS'ing for 20 minutes or so. I climbed the stairs and opened the Bilco door to a BLIZZARD. SOB........ I quickly drove over and got into the woods were I last saw him. (back up for a second; when I was still in the stand after shooting him I could see all kinds of blood where he was walking with the binos so I knew he was leaking good) I got on the blood fast but it was covered in 2-3" of snow and it was coming down harder and harder. Making it more difficult was the way it was piling up on the branches, brush and ME. Sometimes the only way to see the blood was after walking a likely trail then going back and seeing it in my boot tracks. I'd catch some blood on the goldenrod and other brush too after I got into a second stand of incredibly thick pines. I was soaked, beat up and getting dejected with all the snow. It was getting worse..... I took the trail to a power line right of way and for the life of me couldn't tell if he stayed in the pines, crossed the ROW, back tracked, zigged or zagged. From the shot he'd gone about 150 yards and never bedded that I could see. I quit..... The day before I'd shot a coyote and couldn't find it. Between the 'yote and this buck I was beating myself up pretty good. I went back to my buddies, took my soaking wet clothes of, hung the bow up to dry out and had some lunch. I laid down for 15 minutes and couldn't sleep. I had brought two rifles with me and wanted to confirm zero so I did. It was about 3:00 now and the snow had changed to rain. I noticed that much of the snow on the brush around camp had either blown off or was dropping due to the (slightly) warmer temps and rain making me think I better get my ass back over for another look. I quickly swapped out some clothes and headed over. Within minutes of getting there I was at the spot I "lost" blood. I went to the north just 15' past my mostly gone boot tracks from earlier and there he was, deader than a door nail. I assume he was covered in snow at the time and so was all the surrounding brush making him darn near impossible to see. I quickly dressed him of in the failing light and headed back to camp for my buddy the Honda Foreman. I honestly can't remember the last time I was so soaking wet, from the waist down I was drenched from the rain and wet snow. Sorry the pic suck as I was not in the mood to snap any hero shots in the sow hole where I gutted him. The barn was drier....... My face looks like I'm having a stroke, I think it was just 'cause I had snot pouring out of my beak. Persistence paid off and I was thrilled with the outcome.11 points
Got some better pictures of my buck. After two years of chasing him I finally got to stick an arrow in him at 40 yards. He came out into the field nose to the ground headed for the lone doe feeding in the field. He closed the distance fast and I had to scramble to get ready. He stopped at 40 yards to sniff the doe and when he did I drew back, settled the pin and let it rip. He ran about 50 yards and piled up.9 points
He's holding it down until Wolc comes over with the tape to take the girth measurement.9 points
BBD!!!! Pics and story when I return home!! But I got the 11 pointer I’ve been after!!!9 points
Live from the office. Why is it my whole family gets the day off for veterans day and the only veteran in the house has to work? Semper Fi!!!8 points
Catching up on the thread and some of you guys are ridiculous. I mean who really cares if you say a deer is however old why do you have to agree or disagree, Just say nice deer...Many other examples of arguing back and forth over nonsense, not just age. I feel like all you guys are my hunting buddies and pull for all of you but man, sometimes this place is like nursery school.8 points
Got it done on a medium size doe this morning. Passed on 3 small bucks and when she came sneaking through by herself I couldn't take it no more. She popped out past the tree use as a 30 yard marker held on with 40 yrd mark and spined her. Died before I could recock. I'm stoked rage opened her up large.8 points
Finally able to upload pic of the buck I got on 11/9. Main frame 10Pt with a 1" kicker off one of his bases making him actually an 11Pt! This is the buck that I've called my #1 from trail cam videos and posted a trail cam pic of him in velvet from August. I almost had a shot at him on 11/7, drew back bow on him on 11/7 @ 30 yards but couldn't get a clear shot before he bolted away after a doe...he was walking directly at me at about 40 yards and then was broadside at 30 yards behind a tree, of course with his head sticking out of 1 side and his back end sticking out of the other side while the doe was about 25 yards from me. Then she bounded away taking him with her ... tried grunting and some doe bleats but to no avail, so no shot that day. Then he came through cruising alone on 11/9 and offered a clear shot @ 28 yards!7 points
I don't bow hunt so my season with weapon in hand is this Saturday. Checked the rifle - 3 shots at 50 yds - don't have a farther clear shot in the woods so that's where I zero it in Got the ground blind freshened up View from the blind Can't wait! Who else is just getting out for the SZ opener? Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk6 points
As part of our Field to Fork program we had hoped to show the participants how to skin and butcher a deer before the firearms season started. Up until Saturday the deer didn't seem the understand our schedule and our mentors had not connected with a deer that we could demonstrate on. On Saturday morning I was lucky enough to get a good buck and I sent out a group text for butchering on Sunday. 3 participants were able to make it and we went through skinning, breaking the deer down into major muscle groups and trimming and processing into good wholesome food for the table. In the one picture is our 3 participants Kati, Braden and Ryan giving a little "cheers salute" with their first sample of fried heart. It was a hit and I commend them for stepping outside their comfort zone to give it a try. That attitude is what will make them successful hunters. Stay tuned in for some pics of their deer throughout the season. It always takes longer to properly instruct someone rather than doing it yourself but what I kept stressing to them was "you can't screw it up". Break it into muscles and let your fingers show you where to make the cuts. Worse case scenario, if you handled the deer properly while gutting, transporting and hanging, you get delicious ground and stew meat. If you want steaks, cut across the grain. They did a wonderful job and even if they choose to take their deer to a butcher in the future, they have done it and would be able to in a pinch.6 points
I thought this 99 pound field-dressed (per the PA chest-girth chart) was an average sized doe until I started to gut "her". It stepped out onto a clover plot at 3:30 Friday afternoon. When "he" turned broadside, I hit him behind the shoulder with a bolt tipped with a mechanical broadhead, fired from my Barnett Recruit. He turned tail and I thought I heard a crash. I said a quick prayer for an easy recovery, walked over and saw him down 20 yards into the goldenrod adjacent to the clover. This was my first deer from the ground with the crossbow and also my first DMP filled with one, having previously taken just three antlered bucks from tree stands with it. I was in one of them cheap pop-up blinds that Aldis was selling for around $30 last year.6 points
And I forgot the most important part Biz...it was From The Ground!!!6 points
11/11/18 Kunox I went on a track in a 20,000 acre tract of state land today. The hunter shot the buck from the ground at 60 yards with a 7mm - 08. The buck had hunched up at the shot, but the hunter got two more rounds off as the buck ran off. When hearing it hunched up, my first thought was gutshot, but I was hopeful another round had hit as well. He had tracked good blood for 80 yards, then sporadic for another 100 or so. He had ribbon with him (nice job) and had started marking when it got sporadic. He had not done any grid searching, which was good news. I told the hunter I’d come out, but if we jumped the deer we’d back out and give it more time. I arrived 2 hours after the shooting started. Kunox got on it and took us to last blood and we continued on. A few hundred yards further he began showing signs of uncertainty, so we did a restart. Finally, after a third restart he was sure and off we went. The hunter spotted some blood, which is always nice for confirmation. About 300 yards further I saw fresh, light, sporadic blood and Kunox was really pulling and I told the hunter it appeared we we tracking a live deer. I could see a swamp up ahead of us and told him we’ll see what trail the buck took into the swamp, mark it, and back out. When we got to the swamp, there was blood everywhere and I made the decision to push on. It was rough going through the swamp, so I carried Kunox since it was easy for us to see the blood trail. Once we got out of the swamp and back into hardwoods I let him lead the way, which he did in a hurry, barking as he went. We ended up going through another swamp, up and down a ridge, through pines, and back into hardwoods. Kunox was telling me we were close, and I passed that on to the hunter. A few minutes later I spotted the buck bedded down 50 yards in front of us and told the hunter to take a shot. He said it looks dead, but I told him to shoot again to make sure. At his shot, the buck jumped up and sprinted off, but the hunter racked another one in and made a great shot and dropped him as he ran. They’re was a lot of hollering and high fives happening after that! We’ve been on some 2 mile tracks lately, and today was no exception. Unfortunately, the pause button on my tracking app must have got hit when the phone was in my pocket so I don’t have an exact distance, but it was definitely 2 miles minimum.6 points
Came out with my son, he wanted to come back to the "swamp stand" its a hang on so hes got watch down below.5 points
so i had more house stuff at the new house that had to get done. then had some work at the farm with clients getting hay bales. finally had a break in schedule to hunt Sunday morning. sometime before 8am had two doe and a fawn come into the stand. took the oldest one of the group at something around 15 yards. she finally crashed down hill in the bottom of a brushy hole below the stand. still in plain sight. thought she wasn't done as i saw movement. looked through the 6x rangefinder to find a coyote over her not 10 seconds after she hit the dirt. i watched it and yelled and got rowdy in the stand but it was intent on lowering it's head and getting into MY deer. i quickly as possible lower my bow, racing out of the stand, and then sprinted down to the deer and coyote. at 35 ish yards i was coming in hot and the yote figured he wanted to live to see another day, idk. it was gone in a flash and never stopped. within that short period of time it got through the hide and just into the roast on the one hind quarter. stood guard waiting for my dad to come with the UTV as i had everything to field dress it back at the truck. mean while a doe came in off an overgrown pasture. she came in quick to 15 yards saw me that looked off and trotted away. i ducked behind a tree and spotted it had a buck in tow that hung up in the brush at the pasture edge/fence at close to 50 yards. at first it didn't look big and couldn't see much of it. then it started turning its head and got a lot bigger. it he decided without the doe there wasn't much reason to go toward me so he turned around and walked back into the thick pasture. he was much bigger and wider then i thought. i worked toward the pasture edge minutes later but he was gone. probably after that doe. half hour later dad showed up to get me and the doe. then spent the rest of the day doing more house stuff and getting the doe processed for the freezer. that hole has always been hard to hunt with inconsistent winds but while there in that one spot it seemed to work. i think i might get my climber down in there to test it it out. needs that particular prevailing WNW wind though with morning thermals carry scent up the ridge out of there. fate seems to be a funny thing.5 points
This thread reminds of a joke I heard. Little Johnny is sitting on a bench in the park. He has a big bag full of candy bars and is eating them as fast as he can one after another. An old man is sitting on a bench nearby, sees this going on and says " damn boy you aren't going to live long eating candy bars like that". Little Johnny says " Oh yeah well my granddad lived to be 97". The old man says " You're granddad lived to 97 eating candy bars like that?" Little Johnny says " No, he minded his own f ing business. " Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk5 points
Screw it I'm taking off one more day to bow hunt5 points
I’ll make my story short. Sat from 2- sunset in that time I saw 10 different deer none ever got closer than 50 yards. 3 of them came by just as I got to the top of the ladder stand with no bow in hand. 1 was a buck. All said and done I had about as good of a bow season as you can have without ever drawing the bow back. I think I counted 8 different sits. 5 mornings and 3 evenings 21 total deer. Perhaps my 4th season will be my lucky season! Bring on the Gun! #deathfromabove Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk5 points
5 points
I love that rush. I get it any time I get a legal deer or animal within range. If that ever stops happening well then I might as well stop hunting because why bother at that point. Glad you're starting to see some action. Enjoy the rush! Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk4 points
Live from the office. It is killing me that I shot under that Beauty yesterday. Going over it in my head and I just plain old blew it. Rushed everything. Buck fever strikes me again. Trying to be thankful that it was a clean miss and I didn't wound him. It all happened so fast so keep that in mind while you are out there today. It can happen any moment! Until that happened I was going to be content to wait for the gun opener on Saturday but now I am thinking I might take a day this week and get back out there one more time with the crossbow.4 points
This is probably my last hunt of the archery season. Back to the blind that I've had the most sightings of the big 9, (3) that I've been playing with these last few weeks. It's been an honor to hunt him, and to have a buck like that on our property. Been a real fun season so far! Been close, but not close enough, on a couple of real nice bucks. Passed on a bunch of younger ones. Lets see what today brings!4 points
4 points
Well that's it for me guys. I didn't see much except at last light at around 6:45 a nice 3.5 year old walked out at 10 yards. Was about to pull the trigger but upon closer inspection I realized this one was born in May and I wanted one born in April at least. Bummer.4 points
Chased a doe 15 minutes later and walked 18 yards by my stand looking for her ! Dunzo4 points
Why would I want a boner before shooting? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
I do know a few guys that you could air drop them into the middle of Four Season's farm and they wouldn't see a deer.3 points
Little late but my nephew harvested a nice size doe at 415 pm yesterday. We tracked her @ 100 yards complete pass thru so she expired quick as it took both lungs. 22 yard shot. I'm done till gun. Saw two bucks yesterday and 4 does but not in range. Good luck [emoji256] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
Wind is right. Right time of year. Lots of sign. Just need a pinch of luck.3 points
My buddy and brother both killed bucks this AM. And here I sit, I'd be happy to see any deer at this point, just to confirm they exist. Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk3 points
When I didn't bow hunt the guys would tell me about that mornings like that. I started bow hunting I think 5 years ago now and have been lucky enough to catch a couple of days in the woods like that. Glad you finally decided to pick up a bow TF. It really is remarkable what you see this time of year. I don't hate gun season but I sure don't look forward to it like I used too.3 points
Be ready and yell if needed to get a buck to stop.3 points
Welcome to bow hunting the rut . Today may well be your day it seems , before you realize it some will run right in front of you, then hopefully stop for a brief second .3 points
Not a single deer sighting yet this morning i think I'll call it a day3 points
Im out in my blind in 3K. Good luck all3 points
I will be out. Along with a new hunter and more importantly my dad. Shot muzzleloader,rifle and shotgun today. All good to go just hoping weather stays like its calling for.3 points
Didn't see a thing tonite. A buddy of mine got a doe. If I don't get a deer by Friday I am done with bow season this year!!! Lol. Gonna be off w,th,f I think for a last push.3 points
Since things seem to be a bit testy, I’ll try to lighten the mood. Sat the entry trail to the far side of my swamp this morning. At the same exact time, this dude is taking selfies on the near side of swamp closest to house. Less than 80 yards away, but no view between two points. I age him at 1 year 7 months 15 days 45 seconds and counting.... because I can’t seem to see a darn deer in the hoof!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
Organic grass fed beef sirloin , red bell peppers, red onions , Gorgonzola blue cheese salad with balsamic Dijon vinaigrette. If I couid stick a deer it would be organic grass fed venison3 points