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Finally got it done in 7j tonight. Wife and I bought this land in 2017, 2 weeks before getting married. I have seen countless deer here but just now connected with a descent one. I have been an avid hunter for 25 years and hunted my whole life in 6G and 6A. I can say that the quality of deer in the Southern Tier is much different. My biggest bow kill and one I will remember for sure.49 points
21 points
Finally. Came in just out of range then wandered off a bit so I tried calling back with fawn call. Couple min later it wanders in closer. 20 yards. Biggest doe I’ve gotten yet. .17 points
Shot on 10/25 Got to my stand around 6:10 and didn’t hear or see a thing until around 6:35-40 when I saw a big body about 40 yards in front of me. It was traveling the opposite way the deer usually do in the morning and it was all alone. I’m thinking it was a buck, but it was barely light enough to see a body let alone the head. I decided to text back a few girls that around 7:20 when I decided to look to my left in the middle of a text. I saw a giant body and nice antlers 15 yards from me, so I quickly figured out that it was a deer I would take. I put my phone in my pocket, got up and took the shot. I didn’t aim for more than a few seconds and let it rip once I saw it was in the ughh spot. I didn’t see where the arrow hit due to a few alder branches, but it sounded good and I didn’t see an arrow sticking out so I thought I just might have put a good shot on it. It ran down the same path that the deer I shot last week ran down and got right to the part where it was too thick to see well. I watched that spot really closely because i figured he was right there and just when I was saying to my self that he might be going down, he drops. Man what a feeling to put a good shot on a deer and watch it go down. I thought it was a big 8 at first, but turns out it’s a big 5. No brows as you can see and one of the points broke off. It was a little smaller when I got to it, but still very happy with it. It’s either the biggest body deer I’ve shot or second biggest. It was a damn chore to drag that thing out and my back isn’t too happy about it.13 points
Stayed out late last night in Olean , told everyone i WOULD make it out hunting. Woke up this morning to wind and rain . Decided it would be a good day to leave at sunrise and take a slow walk . Shortly after starting my walk i noticed i had walked up on small doe eating apples . I figured she couldn't be alone and was able to get to the side of the trail and clip my release on . As soon as i did that i heard a deer crashing away just out of sight . As the sound stopped i heard a buck grunting and saw his antlers over the tall grass headed straight for the original doe still standing there . He came out slightly quartering away and i made a perfect shot and he crashed less 40 yards away from impact . After it ended i thought how happy i was with every thing i did in the heat of the moment and how all that practice with the bow ,i never second guessed or screwed around with the shot , i drew ,aimed and released.12 points
Out turkey hunting again . With bill he is trying hard to call me in a turkey.11 points
Well didnt trap it but was lucky to have this female pop out in range. Now to get in freezer till I start vacation and can get a seal...how it lay went about 25 yards exit hole up.. my 1st cat !! Excited!!! Dont think my taxidermist will like sewing up the grim repertoire holes though..9 points
I finally got to report a harvest after a two year archery drought. I hunted most of the day Saturday,saw one doe in the distance in the a.m. In the afternoon i got set up with my climber at a friends property 40yds into the woods from the corner of two ag fields,corn and soybeans. The woods were full of acorns and even some hickory trees and some beeches. After sitting until 5.30 without any deer activity I was seriously questioning the point of hunting. I had been hearing turkeys not terribly far of most of the afternoon. Finally i saw them in the soybeans,and then a deer as well.The turkeys worked their way back in the woods and i was hoping the deer would follow. Now i saw three of them..Then they all started running and i saw a decent buck chase them out of the field and into the woods away from me. I thought at least i saw some deer. I tried grunting but nobody showed up. The turkeys were still milling around 50 yds from me. When i watched them i saw a deer through the trees as well,or so i thought. I kept loosing track of it. Now it was close to sunset and i was about ready to climb down when this big doe cautiously came from deeper in the woods on the way to the field. She walked behind my tree,so i had to lean some around the right side of it to get a shot at 25 yds. I thought the hit looked good but didn't sound so good,pretty dull. The lighted nocks were great. The doe just ran off maybe 25 yds and stood there tail tucked. My heart sank. After my horrid season last year where I lost two deer with the bow and one with the gun,more deer than in all my years combined,I was devastated. The doe was too far for another shot,so i watched her and tried to mentally mark her path. She did not want to move,maybe travelled 40 yds in 15 minutes. I climbed down as quietly as i could,which was awkward since i dropped my haul line earlier and had to carry the bow.I went to get my arrow to get information and backed out. Dark blood covered the arrow and no gut smell. That was a good sign. I made it back to the truck and my buddy and he told me about a big black bear he had seen 30 yds from his stand. I told him about my situation. He was nice enough to agree to come back with me several hours later. We wanted to get the doe before the rain started,midnight in our area. We got back to the hit site and looked for blood where i thought she stood but couldn't find any. Off to a bad start. Then we checked another area where she stood behind some fallen logs. There we found sparse blood and managed to pick up her trail. Blood was really spotty,and we came to the first bed soon. I had hoped to find her in her first bed,but no luck. We manged to follow the track,barely. We found a few more beds,then the blood trail got good and she was only 20 yds further. It seems she had been dead for several hrs. All in all she only went a little over 100 yds from the hit site. Took us maybe 25 mins to find her,Chef was right. We got her just as the rain started. I was super excited,I dont know if I could have stood loosing another deer. I was also very glad my friend came out with me,i would have been on edge for sure in the dark with a bloody carcass behind me and a Bear not too far off. Ones imagination tends to run a little alone in the woods at night. I wasn't happy with the beginning of the hunt,but it ended well. It payed off watching the hunting public show on YouTube. Backing out and coming back later saved the day.9 points
Full story and pics in the harvest thread.8 points
Took this 10 pointer on 10\25\19 in one of my foodplots, came in with a doe, eating and some lite chasing. Post pics of your kills.7 points
Keep hunting until you run into another forum member and reach official GTG status!7 points
Just had two big 10’s fighting for about 15 minutes. 223 yards across a swamp! Doe was there too. Just watching. That was awesome! I’m pretty sure it was these two that I got on camera. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk7 points
This deer looked like a different species laying there compared to the 1.5s and 2.5s Im used to killing. It weighed 187. Looking back through this thread I see dozens of members we have lost, we need them all back!6 points
Decent 8 hung out for 20 minutes . Wide but spindly rack . At first seemed like he winded me, he stopped turned and ran a few yards . Then came back and continued on .6 points
Well we got skunked yesterday morning on birds. Was really surprising as we have been seeing loads of them in there every day for the last week and a half. But that’s the way it goes sometimes. Buddy and I put together this blind with pvc Friday night. Came out pretty well considering the haste it was completed in haha We broke the blind back down and moved it over to my neighbors farm pond and added a tarp under the burlap to keep this mornings rain off us. We nailed 7 geese and 2 beautiful mallards this morning. Wife wanted to try a goose stew tonight. Not sure how well it’s gonna turn out but we are giving it a try6 points
Came back home from camp for a day or 2 before heading back to camp, covered a bunch of new land yesterday found a lot of sign and saw a few deer, 1 decent buck but not a shooter. This morning I had an awesome run in with a bull and cow moose, I thought there rut was over but I got confirmation it was still in full swing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk6 points
Smacked an ancient doe this afternoon 8 steps on the ground6 points
Left worki early today, headed to camp, got up there just in time to catch last hour ,of hunting. This 10 pointer came out into one of the food plots eating and tending a doe. Pass thru, took out the lungs.6 points
Well I thought I would chronicle what I am doing this year as I start off trapping. I have been trying to get all the equipment together and get a half-assed fur shed area set up in the garage. I'll take some pics of the stuff I have put together, but I just had to get some traps out this weekend. At this point I will be targeting coon, fox and coyote. I didn't have my peatmoss yet so I didn't set for canines yesterday. It was just too darned wet. The traps I put out for coons didn't produce Saturday night. I think becasue the area I had them in got a little flooded with the heavy rains. Last night was a different story though. I got up at 4 am and headed out on the wheeler. First trap I checked was a 160 trial set I put in using a home made H-stand and it connected last night. I then checked 3 locations where I put out pairs of Duke DP's. Each pair I split up the bait in them. One had dog food with fish oil trailing scent and the other had marshmallows with maple syrup. On the first location the dog food connected and I forgot to take a pic of that one. The second set location I actually had a double. The third location came up blank and that surprised me becasue that was the spot I thought was going to be a slam dunk. They were set right next to 3 big old rotten denning trees. These sure were not the big coons that I have seen the tracks from but it's 4 egg eaters off the property and 4 hides for me to try out the PVC fleshing beam I built and hopefully learn some knife handling skills before I come up with some more prime fur.5 points
Hey guys this is my first attempt at self filming an entire hunt ending in a harvest. I'm starting up a hunting channel where I hunt solely in upstate New York. Almost all of my hunting is on heavily pressured public land. I stay mobile and use a lone wolf climbing stand or hang on and sticks. Let me know what you guys think about the video. Lots more to come and they will get better as I go. Thanks!5 points
Had a small eight chasing a doe behind me a while ago. Came ripping through fast. Saw another doe and fawn. This guy just came out from downwind and sauntered across the field.5 points
Skipped the tree stand this morning for a brewing session. Brewing a clone of Foothills Equus IPA, kegging our NEIPA (Hazy Sally) and tapping a first taste of our 5Hop Rye IPA.5 points
Anyone know what this is ? It’s the first one I’ve ever seen.5 points
3 bucks, 3 does tonight, best sit in a few years.5 points
Look what I see a rub next to me and a scrape with a lick branch above it4 points
Bring home some samples! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk4 points
Doe that ran downhill at 100 just now must have been a French Vanilla gal.4 points
if you shoot a big buck today you know that you will be washing your clothes in it from here on out! lol .4 points
4 points
Strange season, but I got a tag filled. I run my own business and make my own schedule, so I have plenty of time to hunt. I saw a 1.5 year old buck opening day at 90 yards, and then not a single deer for the next 10 sits. Not sure if it was the weather, the moon, or what. Took a couple days off from hunting because of rain and warm weather. A small cold front moved through and I hurried to a new stand that I had hung. When I got into town there were off and on showers that hadn't been in the forecast. It was too cold, so I went and sat anyway. I saw 7 or 8 deer from the stand and 7 more on the walk out. That was more like it! Had a couple more deer-less sits. I bounced around to different stands, waiting for a south wind to go back to my new power line stand. Sunday's forecast had a 5mph south wind, so I went in early. I got in the stand just after 3pm and as soon as I sat down a tall spike came out. He was 200 yards away, but they were moving! Half and hour later a doe and fawn came out at 30 yards. Instead of using a brush-hogged trail to cross the power line, they dove off in the tall grass, goldenrod and berry bushes. I could only see the does ears. I had no intention of shooting her, but was surprised that I couldn't see her from 17 feet up. Two hours passed and nothing else appeared. It started drizzling. I decided to sneak down to check the fields with the last 20 minutes of legal shooting light. I came out to the field edge and stood in some tall grass against an 8 foot tall dirt berm and watched the field. There was nothing out, so I dropped my backpack and lounged against the berm. It was still sprinkling and the wind had switched from south to southeast. A buck came trotting out into the middle of the narrow hay field 100 yards up the hill from me. He had a big body and at least a fork on one side. I waited until he started feeding on clover, then got down on my belly and crawled through the waist high brown grass to the very edge of the field, pausing when he picked his head up. I was calm and not amped up. I figured it would either work, or it wouldn't, but I was going to try to get a shot. As he slowly fed closer, I pulled my neck gaiter over the bottom of my face and wiped the scope lenses clean with my sleeve. He continued to feed broadside down the hill. It didn't take him long to close the distance. The field is only 70 yards wide right there, which made the middle only 35 yards away. I had practiced at 32 yards a lot and was totally steady from a prone shooting position. I lined him up and touched off the shot. The crossbow seems fast to me after years of shooting a "slow" compound. The bolt makes a hollow sound and the buck spun and made his death dash to the woods. I watch him stumble into the timber and hear him crash. I went down to the farm house and tell my brother. We head back with flashlights and a knife. The rain had washed the blood out of the field in the 40 minutes I was gone, but I walked to the spot where he went in the woods and find blood spray on the yellow and orange leaves and the grey trunks of the small maples. 40 yards later we find him on the other side of an old stone wall. He looks long in the light of my headlamp. We get him out, cleaned up and hung for the night. In the morning I bring him to a reporting station (I'm in VT as the name implies) and weigh him. 5 points 170lbs. I am thankful. It just goes to show you: You don't have to be good or clever, but you do have to go out and HUNT and you do need to be able to shoot. It can change in a heartbeat.4 points
Thanks Mike! it feels like last year! lol. Never drew my bow back on a deer all season last year either. But last week of archery with xbow it took a turn for the better - with a doe and then my best buck ever 2 days before gun opened. Hoping this season is like the last in the end, prime time is coming. And the first two weeks in Nov I work only 4 days! lol Not expecting a big un and would be happy with my usual 5 pointer.3 points
Youd better be there! Im on you guys, I just dont want an odyssey getting back to Flushing. All we need is cold beer, a good TV, and an overhead projector so @ATbuckhunter and I can run through our buck presentations3 points
I agree, but let’s Not kick the man when he’s down. We've all done bone head stuff in the woods .3 points
I suspect anchor, buck fever can do that!3 points
been there done that. we all have. The day my legs stop shaking when a nice buck is making its way into shooting range is the day i stop hunting. that's what it's all about. It just sucks that you will dwell on it forever. we spend so much time and money for that 30 seconds of showtime...3 points
I did that when I got home, same coat and hat and was right on. I just plain old blew it somehow. I still have a hard time keeping my composure when I see a deer I am planning on shooting. Watching him for 20 minutes sure didn't help that but man, it all should have come together perfectly. Couldn't have asked for a better scenario and I just plain blew it....Better than wounding him is what I keep telling myself.3 points
so many things with buck fever. droping your bow arm, not bending at the waist when hunting elevated, but to miss by that much, my guess is just plain old buck fever man. shaky legs and didn't line up the peep correctly. If you haven't already done so, redress in all the same gear and equipment and shoot to make sure your hat isn't messing up your anchor point or your sleeves aren't hitting your cables or something.3 points
Heading down soon . First I gotta feed the neighbors two large dogs and let them out, as they’re in the hospital having their first child . Trouble is the German Shepard bit me this summer as I leaned over the fence , so going into their house should be interesting.3 points
So excited you’re bringing those to camp next weekend, truly appreciated! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro3 points
That is an awful news report. Within the first sentence, the bias is laid plain. The bowhunter is described as “cold hearted” in front of a “sobbing” kid. That’s not journalism, that’s opinionated garbage masquerading as news. The friggin NY Po$t... I'm all thumbs when using Tapatalk3 points
3 points
Pretty damned pumped to get in the woods tomorrow, been over 2 weeks. Going to sit a brand new spot in the white oaks in the AM, and probably apples in the evening.3 points
3 points
3 points
Me neither. Hoping one of you all would point it out.3 points
3 points
Yikes! That track looks like one guy I know looking for his stand before first light!! Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
Been up most of the night! Hard to sleep when my buddy sounds like a wounded wildebeest!!!... Outside right now, the wind is blowing the rain sideways! Not a good day for bowhunting. But what a day we had yesterday! Thanks to a guy with a heart as big as he is....moog. He unselfishly gave me and my lifelong hunting partner Gary, the best stands on the property. Based on wind and his experience. Both Friday evening and Saturday. And what a property it is with multiple big mature bucks seen! And a nice one taken by Gary. A tip of the hat to Bob (CulverCreek) and his friend Terry!! Two absolutely great guys who offered a perfect place to butcher and cape Garys buck! They just don't come any better than these guys out in WNY!! Will post more on Gary's deer and hunt in the harvest thread when I get home. Thanks again Brian! Our door will always be open to you for hunting anything on our properties! Same for you Bob and Terry! This has been an awesome trip!3 points
Well today I almost didn’t get up, I managed to crawl into my truck and go to one of my favorite stands. Used black widow xxx estrous and dominator buck urine on a dragline. Wa supposed to be a east wind but it was blowing NW. 6:45 I hear a snort wheeze and grunting/ hear buck making a scrape, see 3-4 deer in the area of my dragline. They walk off into the woods at 7:05 but I don’t think they went far, at 7:23 I hit the grunt tube, out steps this buck at 18 yards grunting. I sent an arrow through him and was real concerned it was too low, he runs down hill and I loose him in the fog (could only see 50 yards or so) but his tail was down and it looked like a death run. I get down and checked the arrow and have bright blood and immediate blood spray. I sit back down for 2 hours to be safe and call a buddy to help. We went literally 50 yards of blood spraying everywhere through 4 foot weeds. A perfect heart shot. My 2nd biggest buck ever and 2nd biggest with bow. Guess I’ll be antler hunting in PA the rest of bow season. I didn’t weight him but I’d put him in the 170 lbs dressed range.3 points