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I Took A Tumble


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Yesterday morning going into my ground blind, I was heading down hill on a steep slope on an oak ridge. The ground was wet and a bit slippery but as always I was taking my time. I went to step over a large rock and as I placed my foot on the other side it flew out from under me. My lower/middle back and right elbow hit the rock and knocked the wind out of me. My bow hit hard enough to knock the quiver off. When I tried to get up, the pain in my back would not let me. So I laid there for awhile. My blind was only 40 yards away down hill so I painfully hobbled to it and took stock of my situation. Every breath brought pain from my back and my elbow was swelling fast, and no way could I get back up that hill on my own. Phone service is very sketchy in these hills, especially down where I was, but thankfully, I got through to my best friend, who lives on the property. So for the first time in 43 years of hunting together, I told him I was hurt and needed help. What normally is a 20 minute walk up to the road took us an hour and a half. I did not want to go to the ER by ambulance so he drove me down where my wife met me, as I was getting stange looks from people sitting there in full camo! After X Rays they found a stable hairline fracture in my spine and just a bad contusion on my right elbow. Treated with anti inflammatory's and bed rest. I was so "lucky"! The main reason for this post is to let everyone know that things "happen" out there even when you are careful. And for everyone to keep safe out there!

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I'm glad you'er ok and will recover with rest .

Something for many to consider, let someone know where you'll be and when you intend to be back. My wife has a screen shot of my hunting app with all my stands marked. She knows which one I'll be in and when I'm back on the ground she gets a call from me .

I hunt farm land and can hear kids playing at the bus stop..... Still if someone tried to find me in acres and acres of thick brush perhaps in the dark it would not be easy without pre made plans.

Hope you can get back out there soon !

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Sorry to hear that Grampy.  Adhere to the Doc's orders for a quick recovery so that you can drag that big buck out in a few weeks..  You will be back at it in no time.  These types of accidents happen to all of us.  Just glad it wasn't worse for you, although it sounds bad enough.  Rest up!

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Wow Grampy....I felt sick to my stomach reading that...Like on of those I survived articles. Thank god you were able to get phone reception. Heal up quick so you can get back out there!!! Do you have to do anything for your fractured back? That doesn't sound very good...

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Grampy, I'm so sorry that happened...I wish you the speediest of recoveries and in time for you to enjoy some of the season...Hey, best part's later in the month anyways....It's usually me posting these things with a reminder to be safe...reading yours, makes me wish it was me over anyone else...you take care..and do as they say...REST!

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Thanks everyone for the well wishes! I was given a shot of morphine at the ER and took a narcotic pain medication last night. It has me feeling a bit sick today, so just taking Tylenol for the pain from now on. I'm in a back brace until I follow up with an orthopedic Dr. on Wednesday. Can only stand for short periods. No lifting or bending. Elbow is very swollen but feeling a bit better. My bow has a broken quiver mount and the slide on my HHA sight was pushed all the way up so I'm sure it needs to be resighted. Cams and everything else looks to be ok? After leaving the ER my buddy went back for my gear and brought it to me last night. He looked more worried for me than I was and I know why we've been friends since we were boys. He was there when I needed him just like he always has been. Same for my wife and family. I keep telling them I'm fine! Dr. said I was lucky and I did right to go to the ER. And that any spinal fracture could be serious!  But I'm doing ok other than a bit of pain, I'll be just fine!  And will be back out hunting just as soon as I can! Got pic's of a few different bucks on that ridge! I don't always carry my phone while hunting. But grabbed it at the last second before leaving my truck. I will never hunt without it again!!! And implore each and every one reading this to do likewise! And to remember that no matter how careful you are, things can happen in an instant!  Do it for your family and your best friend. Because I've seen, they suffer more than you do.

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