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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/18 in all areas

  1. So, you may remember my muzzleloader buck from a few weeks ago That I shot from 150 yards away: This is what he looked like after processing (sorry ) So at this point I was done. My one hunting buddy kept encouraging me to do something with the rack. Now, it's a nice rack, but my wife only tolerates so much. So I let him have it. He said he was going to try doing a European mount from scratch. He sent me several pictures of his progress, and I soon realized he was making it for me. So I graciously accepted it, and my wife even let me hang it in my office instead of the garage. (If you look to the right of the mount, its the picture after I shot. He mounted the head on a dowel that was at an angle, so when you walk into my office, it looks like its looking at you. Unique, for sure. A very nice and unexpected memento.
    21 points
  2. Maizy. 7.5 year old Golden retriever. All of 44 pounds. Smallest adult Golden my wife who’s a vet has ever seen. Every night she comes up between wife and I in bed. Can fit a paw between us so figures she’ll plop down I hear wife go ugh and dog lays on our shoulders and back Eventually I’ll roll over a wee bit and dog slides down between us. Every time someone comes home she brings us one of her stuffed toys. Dumb as a rock but love her to death. Talking about the dog mind you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    15 points
  3. 15 points
  4. I have had so many good dogs through the years it would be hard to pick just one but the photo below is one of my favorites. His name was TJ and he was a good one, we had some pretty good days hitting the timber together.
    14 points
  5. with all the bad weather and post holiday catching up - need something to put a smile on our faces!!!!!
    13 points
  6. Charlie is so weird. But alas he's a good boy Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
    12 points
  7. All these Sub-Zero temps have got Sammie tired right out. Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
    12 points
  8. A few of the pups. The little Frenchie rules the roost, at least she thinks she does.
    12 points
  9. Our Shepard hound mix Rupert, smartest dog I've ever known.
    12 points
  10. Took Judy to the dr. Appointment first thing this morning. Got back hit the soft water and shot 6 golden eyes. Dropped the canoe and gear off at the house loaded up the ice sled and hit the hard water and took an hr to grab a quick 50 ice water golds. Sent from my LGL58VL using Tapatalk
    11 points
  11. We have three wouldn't call them puppies though lol 2 ukc blue tick coonhounds and my daughters 120 pound bull Mastiff he should be about 150# when he's done growing I had to dangle a piece of cheese to get them to sit still lol
    10 points
  12. Bleu, she is half Bluetick Coonhound and we think half lab. Can’t hunt worth a lick and doesn’t like water smh. She is the bestest though lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    10 points
  13. Baron with Humphrey, then I have Chester, Bones and Otis
    10 points
  14. Our little spoiled guy, Ruger. He's not a hunting dog by any means, but don't tell him that.
    10 points
  15. Mac and Kit! Kit is growing so much every day!
    9 points
  16. Our dogs Sophie and Jenny helping with kitchen remodel this summer. I look pretty tough at 6 foot 285 lbs. and tatoooes walking my poodles through town.
    9 points
  17. Love all dogs. Here is our “watchdog”. She is really smart. By the way, imagine those ears on a dog 1/4 her size. Pretty much what she looked like when we got her. Almost named her Dumbo. I was praying the ears would stop growing. lol
    9 points
  18. 8 points
  19. Zoey on the left, jack-a-bea. Lynn on the right, Jack Russell. Zoey is a box of rocks, real good at eating dinner and sleeping Lynn is a nut. Will chase and kill anything with fur. Woodchuck was her best so far, went down in the hole to get em. Also went face to face with a yote, and was not gonna back down. Dog has no fear at all. Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
    8 points
  20. This is Luna, she’s the best dog you could ever want. We got her at three months and she’s always been as calm and gentle as can be. Se sits next to me all day in my office and if I even glance at her she puts out her paw for me to hold. The only thing she ever does works is take paper towels out of the wastebaskets and chew them into small pieces, which actually cracks me up. Oh and here’s Clara, also a dog. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    8 points
  21. This is Maggy she is 7 and a pain in the a$$ but we wouldn't know what to do without her..
    8 points
  22. My boy Charlie, he's half beagle and half Australian Shepherd. And he loves to swim? Lol. Wpuldnt think he would be a swimmer with those breeds but he loves it. Wouldn't know what to do without him.
    7 points
  23. Here is a pic of our faithful dog Holly . She was great with the kids . She had arthritis bad and was losing her eyesight . We had to have her put away . i broke down and cried when I signed the papers at the vet's . Never got another dog after that .
    6 points
  24. Just grabbed this at the downtown New Era store this morning...place was mobbed! Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
    5 points
  25. Looking forward to @phade "Live from the Bills Playoff Game 2018" thread
    4 points
  26. Poaching and then posting on the web. Stupidity at its finest!
    4 points
  27. social media is one of the best ways to catch poachers these days. I mean, why kill 3 big bucks if you can't compensate for your small dick by posting them online?
    4 points
  28. I sent an email to Jennifer Mobilia and she sent me the link. I did not even know they were out there till I left and my buddy said they were there filming and talking to fisherman. http://www.whec.com/news/ice-fishing-sodus-bay-weather-perfect/4730668/?cat=565
    4 points
  29. Another poacher got himself nabbed, by bragging about his poaching on Facebook. He poaches 3 bucks and then wants to brag about it. I believe that his bragging mentality that some believe that they have to get the biggest and most kills leads to a lot of poaching. This contributes to poor hunting opportunities for the overwhelming majority of us true hunters who obey game laws and regulations. I also personally believe that a lot of these "big buck" contests add to the problem, and I would like to see them ended. As I have stated before, I hope the judge gives this poacher the maximum penalties for each and every one of the violations he committed. valoroutdoors.com http://www.syracuse.com/outdoors/index.ssf/2018/01/cny_man_boasts_on_facebook_after_killing_deer_now_faces_11500_in_fines.html#incart_river_home
    3 points
  30. Dad’s buck from 2016.........he shot it and I finished it with his .308 Kimber. The buck if I recall correctly had a broadhead in its neck from an archery season wound. When i shot, he flopped over and both sides of his rack popped off!! Blew my mind.......
    3 points
  31. Really nice, cool idea with the picture
    3 points
  32. This is Gus, we had to put him down 3 years ago due to cancer. He was 11 and was a huge part of the family he is missed a bunch..
    3 points
  33. Kinda like asking on the web how to clean money that was soiled by a dye pack. lol
    3 points
  34. Meanwhile the town is going to pay “ sharpshooters” to come in and kill deer at night over bait ( at least that’s how I’ve seen it done around here .) Dont take that as defending the guy, just seems a bit ironic . one guy I work with killed 7 deer in a town bow hunt this year and another killed 23 a year or ago, this place could use hunters who PAY to do,the same .
    3 points
  35. Here's a vid from Staten Island today during the storm.
    3 points
  36. Venison osso bucco puff pastries, homemade pizza, and porterhouse under the broiler. The Mrs new cocktail- vodka, ginger beer, pomegranate and lime Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  37. You still should check Jay, lots of small prizes available. Ill be buying tomorrow as Nobody won. If I win the whole enchilada, we are all gonna get laid!!!! (not sure if I can say that??)
    3 points
  38. Is there a bar within walking distance ?? That's my favorite place to get stranded...
    3 points
  39. This pic was from last winter. She's been through two tumor surgeries in the past two years. Love my girl! Her audacity keeps me on my toes, and makes me laugh at times. The fiancee takes most of the pics so maybe she has a recent one. Sent from my SM-S327VL using Tapatalk
    2 points
  40. Jake. 13 years old but has the maturity of a puppy just not the body anymore. But if I don't throw that toy at least once a day for him we have issues. Could hardly get him to stand still for these pictures. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    2 points
  41. Nice.. if your not.gonna hangem.up.may as well just shoot doe.. no buck belongs in a bushel basket.in the shed..
    2 points
  42. shes too stupid to read and Luna wont read it out loud
    2 points
  43. You sure Clara is a dog? Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
    2 points
  44. I can't wait to move down south....A few more years and I well be done with snow !!!!!
    2 points
  45. I killed a one-antlered buck a few years back and have regretted it ever since. It was a quick shot through trees. I had that buck on a trail cam just a couple days before and it had both antlers. He would have been a real slammer the next year for me or somebody else.
    2 points
  46. This thread title should be changed to the Alden Reunion Thread.
    2 points
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