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Yesterday I dragged my dads last deer


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Oh boy....I as well am choking back the tears while I read your post.
As many others have said there isn't much I can say or type to ease the pain...but I hope you have found peace this morning sitting in the woods that both you and your father enjoyed and loved so much!
May our fellow brother rest in peace, and guide his family from a peaceful resting place up above!

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My father/best friend is gone.
Wow what a roller coaster, I still feel like I'm living a nightmare. It's been almost 24hrs and still doesn't seem possible.
My father has been suffering from leukemia for about 6 years now although no one other than close family knew that. At 55 He was in better shape than most men 1/2 his age still jogging nearly every day.
Yesterday started out as a totally normal day for us, my brother and I met for coffee and dads house at 5 "brother lives next door to my parents I live within 30-30 range." With our coffee I argued with dad about what stand he was going to hunt and why he was dumb to not to be in this one and that no I wasn't sitting until 9! The same thing we did everyday my brother just sat across the table throwing verbal jabs at both of us just to keep me and dad going.
We talked on the phone a couple times throughout the morning. I was still hunting as he was bouncing from stand to stand in case I bumped anything. Around 10:30 he shot a doe we kept hunting until around 11:30 when my brother and I met him at the end of the blood trail and helped dad gut his doe.
After the gutting job was done we were talking as dad was looking at what she had been eating. And he went down with no warning landing on top of his recently killed doe with my brother and I on either side of him. We got him off the deer and we were yelling at him trying to get him to wake up but he wouldn't I told my brother to call 911 while I was trying to give dad sternum rubs trying to get him to wake up. My brother went to the road to meet the ems while I stayed with dad. It felt like forever but about 5 minutes into it all Dad took his last labored breath. I started CPR immediately and continued for the 20 minutes until ems and Fire got there although looking back I don't think it was a heart attach as everything leads to a stroke.
My father was the most dedicated hunter I have ever known he bordered on being over the top. He hunted everyday of the season morning and night. Dad always said he wanted to go while hunting and never wanted to be in a hospital. My brother and I have been crying and laughing since it's all happened, you couldn't make this stuff up. He literally died on a doe he had killed with his 2 boys on either side in the woods. He never stayed 1 day in a hospital or missed 1 thing he wanted to do do to his health. Although he went 40 years sooner than we all had hoped I couldn't be more thankful for how he went.
When they finally got him out of the woods and had him in the ambulance my mom, sister in law and wife were there and they let us say good bye to him in the ambulance he looked so at peace. Him laying on that stretcher with his camo bibs button up wool shirt and laccrose rubber boots damn near with a smile on his face was the saddest thing I have ever saw but it also has really put me at peace knowing that we never get to pick when or how our last day is but damn I feel like he got to pick how.
I'm sorry you guys are reading this but it is truly helping me just by being able to type this out and put my thoughts out there, thank you all for the support I have gotten this season as many of you have already reached out to me with thoughts and prayers. Some of you guys I consider good friends even if we have never met.
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I sincerely thank you for sharing, from the bottom of my heart. As I read your post, I cried, laughed, and smiled. I dread the day that I have to go through this. My dad (70) always asks why I take pictures with him when one of us gets a deer, even a doe. He is in PA and I am in NY. My brother and I probably won't be there on that terrible day when it comes. You're dad gave you and your brother closure, and a hell of a story. He and his boys doing what he taught them. What they all loved. I call that a blessing. You and your family are in my prayers.

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Wow - I'm new on this forum and don't know you, but reading that I had to close my office door.  I'm very sorry for your loss, your father was a fine looking man, and from what you say, it went a lot deeper than that.  Too soon gone, but in many ways he (and you and your brother) was a lucky man.  Even to have the kind of relationship it sounds like you all had.  Many do not.

He went out happy and will always be remembered as he wanted to be.  No man could ask for more.  

God bless you and your family,



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I am truly sorry for your loss, this tears me up to read this.  I cannot imagine such an event, as my father and I are best friends, but somehow your mind attempts to imagine.  Again, I am sorry for your loss, and my thoughts really are with you, and your family.  

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Seems like you guys are a special breed,Buckmaster. Kudos to your dad for not spending a day in the hospital with leukemia. It appears he took charge of that,while most people follow all the doctors orders and wither away in the hospital.

What a strong person and dieing doing what he loved with his sons by his side. 

Too bad he had to go so soon,my condolences.

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the idea of losing my dad would scare the living h*ll right out of me.  looks like he's got the build of a sheep hunter which makes the situation crazy too.  God willing he got his wish though.  Hardly a better way to go in a life as a hunter.  sorry to hear this kind of news still.  i believe ya that strangers on here seem close to you to post that kind of news so soon on here.  i've been told it's not easy even with time.  hope you family and friends all get through it alright.

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I am very sorry for your loss but glad you shared that story with us. Despite the fact we are all strangers we are certainly a community that shares a passion, a love of the outdoors, respect fair chase, share our ups, our downs... Glad you and your brother were able to be with your dad on his last day here.

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