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Best Valentines Day in a long time !


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My GF and I celebrated last night as we both will not be around on Friday... I got her a nice potted rose plant and a card (with a message inside)... she got me a nice card and some chocolate , then we went out for Pizza and beer... what a great night!  I found a little snowman on my car when I left for work today..lol..  She said it stopped looking like a snowman when she put arms on it... i got a good laugh out of it!


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1 hour ago, moog5050 said:

Going to tell my Guatemalan wife it’s the special day in the US when wives do WHATEVER a husband asks of them which is immediately followed by a week long hunting trip out of state.   Must be celebrated every year.  It’s tradition after all.  

Ana is such a sweetheart. You better watch it buster!  But, lemme know how all that works out for ya????  

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4 hours ago, Nomad said:

Mid day Friday Mrs Nomad meets some friends for lunch , afterwards they head to a B&B in Ithaca for a week end of shopping, eating ,drinking and hiking !

So I have the house to myself ! I can play the Allman Brothers at a proper level , nobody to question everything I do ,or don’t do ,The TV won’t have Nash Bridges on all day .....

Cheers !

Good for you nothing like a quite house once in awhile.  I told my wife when we got together i dont do valentines day its such a bs day.  

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3 hours ago, moog5050 said:

Going to tell my Guatemalan wife it’s the special day in the US when wives do WHATEVER a husband asks of them which is immediately followed by a week long hunting trip out of state.   Must be celebrated every year.  It’s tradition after all.  

Make it involve her having to bake you something, while you are at it. play the "sweetest" angle

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We are going to a cooking class tonight at a local Italian food store (my idea). Turns out she has “bunko” tomorrow night and 12 ladies all decided that they would rather play bunko than be with their husbands on Valentine’s Day!   So I will be alone at home for Valentines, which is actually just fine with me! 

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I got her a card today, but without my readers it may very well be a birthday card . Also  today in the mail I got some stickers from a Nono brewery in Vermont, with the same name as her maiden name , a well known farm family in Ontario county .

I know she’ll be surprised and happy ,it’s an unusual name , one of the earliest “white “ Families in Ontario county .

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I will be following my plan mentioned earlier but with a bit more enthusiasm as I was just informed about March 14th!! Can't wait to make this a new tradition!!!  

Check it out. You will all love it, I promise!



Edited by squirrelwhisperer
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I make my wife something special for Valentine's Day every year. Something from the heart. Something she can remember me by when I leave this earth. We use to do the dinner thing, buy candy, ballons, etc, ect. ect.. We even went on a pretty carrige ride up in Buffalo once. You see, after you have been with someone for so long, and get up in age, you start to believe that life is far more than than every day moumental things. Live the special moments, special holidays, special times like these. Learning to appriciate what you have. I Love My Wife !

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1 hour ago, squirrelwhisperer said:

I will be following my plan mentioned earlier but with a bit more enthusiasm as I was just informed about March 14th!! Can't wait to make this a new tradition!!!  

Check it out. You will all love it, I promise!




I guess I'm kind of slow, so I too just learned about a new holiday I never knew about here on the forum!  

Isn't March 14 the same day as Culver's QDMA banquet?   Damn, the fellas attending might miss out.  Don't know if potentially winning a rifle would make up for it??   :)






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6 minutes ago, steve863 said:


I guess I'm kind of slow, so I too just learned about a new holiday I never knew about here on the forum!  

Isn't March 14 the same day as Culver's QDMA banquet?   Damn, the fellas attending might miss out.  Don't know if potentially winning a rifle would make up for it??   :)






Theres 24 hours in that day... plenty of time for everything.

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Early this morning I left a trail of rose peddles leading down stairs , through the kitchen and out to the hot tub, where I sat with a pitcher of mimosas , and some chocolate covered strawberries.

She slipped through the kitchen door with a smile from ear to ear ,  and tossed a plugged in toaster into the tub ,fortunately she’s a poor judge of distance  as the cord was to short .

Looks like she’ll be getting a new toaster for Valentine’s Day , although she says she wants an extension cord for some reason ....

Edited by Nomad
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4 hours ago, landtracdeerhunter said:

I make my wife something special for Valentine's Day every year. Something from the heart. Something she can remember me by when I leave this earth. We use to do the dinner thing, buy candy, ballons, etc, ect. ect.. We even went on a pretty carrige ride up in Buffalo once. You see, after you have been with someone for so long, and get up in age, you start to believe that life is far more than than every day moumental things. Live the special moments, special holidays, special times like these. Learning to appriciate what you have. I Love My Wife !

I’m going to help you out here  bro , take a page from my playbook . For our 30th wedding anniversary I bought an uncirculated proof quarter from 1,988, bought it to a jeweler and had him make it into a pendant.

Every time she wears it  ( which is a lot ) women ask, well why she’s wearing a quarter, and she proudly gets to explain it , and I of course look like a great sweet ,loving ,thoughtful guy , which they already know, but this reinforces it .

I also snowblowed three neighbors driveways today , so when they get home from work they can get right to their special nights , ok I was just bored .

Edited by Nomad
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3 minutes ago, Robhuntandfish said:

i am making dinner and still dont know if the GF will make it or not. Family issues. So i told her dinner will be ready if she can make it, if not my buddy and i will eat it tomorrow and drink beers after going to bass pro for half a day. Romantical right...

I couldn't decide which emoji to use - sad cause GF might not make it or Like for the Bass Pro/beer part, lol.

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On 2/13/2020 at 10:12 AM, Nomad said:

Mid day Friday Mrs Nomad meets some friends for lunch , afterwards they head to a B&B in Ithaca for a week end of shopping, eating ,drinking and hiking !

So I have the house to myself ! I can play the Allman Brothers at a proper level , nobody to question everything I do ,or don’t do ,The TV won’t have Nash Bridges on all day .....

Cheers !

you watch your mouth when you talk about Nash Bridges!

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