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Today We Celebrate!


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The light of our Lord shines brightly through Ana. And it will forever shine upon, and warm, those she loved. Also, the the countless people, who's lives she touched, that were warmed by her special light of God. She shares her light, and gifts from God unselfishly.

I'm always here for you my brother. God's light shines through you too. God bless you all.

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I am so sorry to hear this news Brian. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you guys. The world definitely lost a shining star. Again if there is anything no matter how small we can do to help please do not hesitate to ask!

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The faith shared by this family is truly something special. Moog is an admirable man of faith greater than most, and when tested his faith only grew stronger. Ana was just as strong through her battle, and now gets to enjoy her eternity.

We all hoped and prayed for a miracle, and even though it didn't happen the way we selfishly wanted, we still get to rejoice for her passing knowing she's celebrating in heaven.

You and your family is in our thoughts, brother.

Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk

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This life is fleeting, but the next lasts forever.  You can take comfort knowing you will be able to spend all of it with her.  Prayers sent that she gets a real good room in the Big guy's mansion.

Your faith is very inspiring, keep up the good work and please ask if there is anything I can do for you.  My sister is going thru a similar trial right now, and I am praying for her daily.   

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